Thursday, July 16, 2009

Minor setback

Our girls haven't been eating as much as normal for the last few days. We finally called the pediatrician about it yesterday and she set up an appointment for this afternoon. We showed for the appointment and she looked over the girls. Our original plan was to go to the appointment and then head straight from there to Ft. Wayne to stay the night with Abby's great uncle on our way up to Michigan for the weekend. Funny how quickly plans can change. Our doctor watched the girls eat their bottles and said, "I hope you guys aren't in a hurry to go anywhere." Haha, Really? At the end of our time there she said, "I'm going to admit them to Community North (the hospital where they were born) for 24 hours of observation." So, here we are in Indianapolis tonight. We are at home and our girls are in the pediatric unit at Community North.

The first 2 feedings the girls had in the hospital were typical for them for the past few days. They didn't eat much for either one. For the 3rd feeding they hooked up oxygen sensors to see how much oxygen was in their blood while feeding. They gave Alana oxygen with her feeding and she did great. So we though, "Hmmm, maybe they need oxygen while eating." Alexis killed that theory when they decided to see how her saturation would be during feeding WITHOUT oxygen and she ate a bunch and her o2 levels were good. So then the doctor at the hospital says, "Well guys, I honestly don't know what's going on." I don't know if that's good or bad. I think it's good, as I hope that maybe the last few days have just been a fluke. What we know now... in the past week they've each gained 2 oz. (8 oz. would be normal) and they had chest x-rays that showed some minor improvement from the last ones. No one is too concerned and we should have them back with us tomorrow. Keep them in your prayers and hopefully soon this will be just another memory.

1 comment:

  1. any news? i have been dying to know whats going on with your cute girls!
